Session B, April 18, 2024, 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. ET
Engaging, Developing, and Retaining Multigenerational Geoscientists

Session Chairs:  Kristin Hanson, P.Geo. (Non-pactising), FGC and Sheila Ballantyne, P.Geo.

A moderated Q & A will follow after the panel presentations.

Presentation 1: Integrating New Professionals - Bridging the Experience Gap in Geoscience

Speaker:  Mary Louise Hill, Professor Emerita of Geology, Lakehead University - SEE SPEAKER'S BIO

Future success in the geoscience profession depends on finding, hiring and integrating new graduates and young professionals into our industry. How do we ensure a productive pipeline of young people who find the geoscience profession compelling? Do we accurately communicate the knowledge and skills needed for the profession, and do we ensure new hires have the ability to use and develop these talents during their early years in the profession? What are we doing to attract women, Indigenous peoples and new Canadians into our profession, and how do we ensure that they will choose to stay? Addressing these issues will help bridge the experience gap in geoscience.

Presentation 2: Understanding the Key Elements Contributing to Employee Retention and Engagement

Speaker:  Jacqueline Aldred,
Organizational Development and Human Resources Leader - SEE SPEAKER'S BIO

Exploring the fundamental dynamics of retaining and engaging professionals across various career stages involves considering the diverse demographics within today's workforce. With multiple generations present in the workplace, understanding the key elements contributing to employee retention and engagement is crucial.

Presentation 3: The Value of Mid-career Upskilling Through Mentorship

Speaker:  Maureen Jensen, Former Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Ontario Securities Commission - SEE SPEAKER'S BIO

Many mid-career professionals become disengaged and feel disconnected if they do not see progress in their profession.  Professionals often need help to upgrade their technical skills and their understanding of the business.  Mentoring of mid career professionals can keep talent engaged but it can also help identify the top talent required for the next level of leadership.

Register online for this session or for the full Symposium.