PGO 25th Anniversary Celebration

Save the Date! PGO 25th Anniversary Celebration on June 6, 2025

We are excited to announce a special event planned for June 6, 2025, in Toronto, celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Professional Geoscientist Act. Join us for a formal dinner and engaging activities that honour our history, celebrate our accomplishments and look towards the future of Geoscience in Ontario.

The PGO Annual General Meeting will be held on June 6, 2025, at the same Toronto venue, providing maximum value for all participants.

Mark your calendars — more details to follow with regular communications coming out monthly starting in January 2025!

Geoscience for the Future - Articles

Starting January 2025, a series of monthly articles will be published to call attention to the importance of professionalism in geoscience and the regulator of that practice, Professional Geoscientists Ontario.  The articles will highlight the importance of geoscience to the public, look toward our future and reflect on our past.  The purpose of the articles is to inform and create excitement leading up to the 25th Anniversary event “Geoscience for the Future.” 

January 2025 Issue
Professional Geoscientists: Their Importance in Public Protection and the Future of Geoscience

February 2025 Issue  
Geoscience Regulation, Why the Public Should Care: A Non-Registrant Perspective

March 2025 Issue 
Canada's Reputation on the World Stage of Mining: Drawing the Best and Brightset from Around the World.

Disclaimer:  This article was prepared by a committee of volunteers from Professional Geoscientists Ontario (PGO) working to plan a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Professional Geoscientists Act on June 6, 2025, in Toronto. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the dedicated PGO volunteers and authors who gave their time and professional input to this endeavor, not of the PGO.