How to extend your incidental practice registration?
Extending an incidental practice registration is quick and easy; click here for the application form to extend your registration and follow the steps below:
Step 1: Complete the application form with all relevant information. If your home or business contact information remains the same, please check the box to indicate that there are no changes. Complete the application details section providing a description of the work to be completed, and enter the number of months that you require.
Step 2: If you have not held an incidental practice registration within the last 12 months, please include the application fee with your application, and ask your home jurisdiction to send the confirmation request. If applicable, the application fee can be paid using the credit card payment form, go to forms and guidelines to choose the correct credit card payment form for your location. Payment can also be made by cheque, by mailing it along with your application form to the PGO office. The cheque must be made payable to the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario. Payment can also be made by e-transfer, to Please put your name, registration number (if you have one), and “incidental practice registration application fee”, in the message box.
Step 3: If applicable, send the confirmation request form to the jurisdictions that you are registered with. They will then complete the form and return it to PGO.
Step 4: If this is a simple extension application, please include the payment for the number of months required. The dues can be paid using the credit card payment form, go to forms and guidelines to choose the correct credit card payment form for your location. Payment can also be made by cheque, by mailing it along with your application form to the PGO office. The cheque must be made payable to the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario. Payment can also be made by e-transfer, to Please put your name, registration number, and the total number of months that you are paying for, in the message box.
Step 5: All completed forms are to be sent to PGO will process your extension of registration application and will let you know once the updates have been made to your account.