Panel Session A, April 19, 2022, 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ET 
The Intersectionality of Reconciliation with Diversity and Inclusion: What does it mean & why does it matter to me?

Presentation 1: Reconciliation through Narration and Activation - Observations from the Resource Sectors


Mary Kelly, Canadian Director of Social Inclusion, Wood

Mary Kelly is the Canadian Director of Social Inclusion at Wood. Wood is a global leader in the delivery of project, engineering and technical services operating in over 60 countries and employing more than 60,000 people. In Canada, Wood has over 4,000 employees supporting private and public clients on a variety of projects. Mary has been with Wood for 12 years. Her 20+ year career evolved from an environmental scientist to a social researcher where she has spent a significant amount of time engaging with people and learning from their diverse lived experiences that support holistic planning and decision-making.In her role, Mary seeks to identify opportunities to advance inclusion from the leadership level through to Wood’s operations and project solutions.

Mary has a BSc in Geography from the University of Calgary and a Master of Environmental Studies from Nipissing University.

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PGO 2022 Virtual Symposium Program.