Exploration with Watson: Empowering Red Lake Geologists
By Stephanie Vanos P.Geo., Resource Geologist, Red Lake Gold Mine, Goldcorp
Technological advancement has been happening exponentially ever since the invention of the first computer. In today’s society, those who don’t embrace technological changes get left behind, and until recently, the mining industry has been on the reluctant side. Goldcorp aims to disrupt mining by investing in new technologies to help bring mining into the 21st century. To that end, they partnered with IBM to leverage the Watson artificial intelligence and create a platform that allows geologists working in the Red Lake Gold Mines to quickly access over 8o years of accumulated data.
What is Exploration with Watson? This talk will go through the development of the platform, how it works, and how the exploration geologists at Red Lake Gold Mines are using it to gain new insights and make new inferences of their data.
About Stephanie Vanos, P.Geo.Stephanie is currently a Lead Exploration Geologist with the Cochenour Group at Red Lake Gold mines. She has over 10 years of experience in the industry and has worked all over Canada for major, mid-tier, and junior mining and exploration companies, focusing on base and precious metals deposits. Most recently she was the Site Lead on the Exploration with Watson project, helping to design and develop the platform.
She holds an Honors Specialization in Geology with a Minor in Earth and Planetary Sciences from the University of Western Ontario, and is a registered professional geoscientist with the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario.
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